In this video titled “0052 Create the iOS User Interface for Prompting,” the instructor underscores the significance of crafting a user interface (UI) to facilitate interaction within the iPhone app. Emphasizing the necessity to design the UI prior to coding, the instructor walks viewers through the process of crafting a straightforward UI utilizing Xcode’s main storyboard. This involves adding a text field for user input and enhancing visibility by modifying the view’s background color. Additionally, the instructor demonstrates the incorporation of a send button and a text area to display results, ensuring proper alignment and size through constraint adjustments. Throughout the tutorial, viewers are encouraged to experiment and fine-tune the UI as needed. With the UI established, the subsequent step involves linking it to the view controller for further integration.
In this next video titled “0053 Connect the UI to the code,” the presenter elucidates the process of linking the user interface components, previously crafted, to the view controller. Specifically, the presenter demonstrates how to establish IBOutlets for a text field, a send button, and a text area within the view controller’s .swift file by employing a drag-and-drop method and assigning appropriate names and types. Emphasis is placed on utilizing weak references for IBOutlets, with the presenter providing a demonstration of their creation. Upon completion of the connections, validation is conducted by ensuring that the circles adjacent to the outlets transition to a blue hue.
Next, the presenter establishes connections between user actions and the underlying code by incorporating IB actions into a UIButton labeled “send,” capturing the user’s interaction upon pressing. Within the view controller, they designate the action as “buttonSendTapped” and specify the sender as a UIButton. Subsequently, the presenter retrieves and displays the text entered into the text field, along with printing the button’s name upon being pressed. Despite these connections, proper linking between the send button text and input text is yet to be established. To rectify this, the presenter employs a drag-and-drop method to connect the “send button” under “touch up inside” in the connection editor. Following this adjustment, functionality is tested by entering a question in the text field and clicking “send,” with the printed text appearing in the console. The subsequent focus lies on refining the code for the AI manager interface to facilitate interaction with the backend.